List of Books to understand the Jewish Culture and History during Jesus' time on earth.
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"Sitting at the Feet of Jesus" Lois Tverberg
"Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus" Lois Tverberg
"5 Hebrew Words that every Christian should know" Lois Tverberg
"Listening to the Language of the Bible" Lois Tverberg
"Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus" Lois Tverberg
"Jesus the Jewish Theologian" Brad H. Young
"Paul the Jewish Theologian" Brad H. Young
"The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation" Brad H. Young
"Meet the Rabbis" Brad H. Young
"The Epic of Eden" Sandra L. Richter
"The Jewish New Testament Commentary" David H. Stern
"Restoring the Jewishness of the Gospel" David H. Stern
"Messianic Judaism" David H. Stern
"The Training of the Twelve" A.B. Bruce
"Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament" J. Julius Scott
"The IVP Bible Background Commentary on the New Testament & the Old Testament, 2 Volumes"
Checkout this Conversation on Faith and Culture by Lecrae and Ray Vander Laan. This conversation will jumpstart your curiosity of the Jewish culture during Jesus' time. Reading, listening, studying and applying what you've learned will deepen your relationship with Jesus. Not to know (information) more about God but to know (Yadah) and walk with Him throughout life.